Baby Jogger Summit 360 Double Jogging Stroller
Filed under Baby Jogger Summit 360 Double Jogging Stroller by Wooden Knife Block on 10:30 PM
Product Review
I bought this stroller a few months ago and I've to say that I'm entirely impressed with it. I considered the double BOB but this stroller was a far better option hands down. I had a BOB single but usually felt like my small boy was hunched over a bit. This stroller has a higher back so he has plenty of growing space. It's great on all terrain. It has front and back shocks and it's just a comfortable ride. I have my children in it for 1-2 hours at a time and they appear to be really comfortable. I really like the rapid fold and I also like that the handle bar sits high up. It doesn't adjust however it is high sufficient that I never have concerns with kicking the back of it. Neither does my husband and he is 6'2. I just adore it and would recommend this double to any person. It's amazing! (Read More...)